Monday 8 March 2010


Yesterday I went to the cinema to see "Alice in Wonderland".
I liked it so much =)
Burton's characters are so good, so classic and don't resemble Lewis Carroll's ones at the same time. Hatter and Cheshire Cat are my favourites of the movie ^^
And yes, if I were Alice in Burton's movie I would stay with Hatter in Wonderland. Such a beautiful, crazy and amazing country.

Tuesday 1 December 2009


I haven't been writing anything here for almost 2 weeks. I'm so sorry about it but I really had no time for it. And when I had I was sooo lazy for writing here a couple lines :-)
So during last weeks...
• I have passed all the entrance English exams so in February I'll start getting my second higher education! So when I graduate from university I will be translator in addition to the speciality of a logist. I'm so happy about it, because I'm mad about learning foreign languages. Maybe I will start learning one more language. I understand German a little bit because I learnt it in school but that was years ago :-) Also a couple of years ago I was learning Japanese for almost a year. Then I gave it up. Not because of its difficulty. I simply understood that I had started learning it simply for feeling proud that I was learning such an exotic language. And that's not good thing ;) So now I'm considering about learning smth less difficult and less exotic.
• It will be very difficult to find a constant job for me if I'm getting two higher educations at the same time. So I can forget about leaving my mother's house and I can continue dreaming about renting a flat. That sucks. I love my mother a lot but living together will kill me some day. Just because we're very alike, especially in our bad features of temper.
• I had  passed an audition for singing in a choir and now I understand that I wouldn't attend studies because of my schedule. By the way I don't like its membership. It's a pity :-(
• I have no time to pick up my photos from the studio where I had a photo session as a model for one tailoring shop a couple of weeks ago %) I don't know what to do : D At the same time I want to see all the photos very much.
• A month ago I elaborated and drawed a logo for charitable organization that is going to help children who suffer from cancer. So this logo was printed on the T-shirts and on the pocket calendars. Last week I saw the examples of them, they look very nice. And it's very pleasant to have a thought that I've made smth helpful for this event. =)
• And the last thing I want to mention here. A good one. I started making for sale handmade jewellery. And it's quite popular, so now I always have some money to spend for some nice things and to indulge myself :-)

Sunday 15 November 2009


Yesterday I went to the cinema to watch a movie "2012".
It's amazing, really =) To tell the truth, I wanted to see it because I'm a fan of movies about overwhelming catastrophes such as "Independence Day", "The day after tomorrow", "Knowing" and so on, and this movie had a promising trailer. So yesterday's evening my friends and I went to see it.
It's the best disaster-film I have ever seen. This movie is need to be watched in the cinema on the big screen and with amazing sound. Great special effects, great music, lots of moments that made me almost cry. Sometimes I laughed. And so many things set me thinking about people's relationships, about the fact that money is almost of the greatest importance in this rotten world, about the lie of mass media and politicians and other stuff.
Oh, I need to say a little bit more about Russian people (a Russian billionare Yuri, his girlfriend Tamara and Russian pilot Sasha) that appeare in the movie for a long period of time. I'm Russian myself, and I'm so tide of stereotypes about us in American movies :-) Yet there were some moments that made me feel proud of my country, I'm against of devision of people ethnic origin. Of course each nation has some distinctive features but that doesn't apply to each man's personal character ;-)

After watching the movie me and my friend (we persuaded her boyfriend to leave us to give us a chance to talk about some girl's stuff) went to one coffee house in the centre of Moscow, where we had eaten lots of tasty desserts, drank coffee and had nice talks :)
And then I went to her flat where we cooked tasty supper and then watched movies and talked all night long. It was really great. We went asleep almost at 5 o'clock in the morning :)

Thursday 12 November 2009

Some facts about me

I suppose that I should introduce myself and tell a little bit about me, my interests, hobbies and so on. ;-)
I decided to make a list of facts about my personality. Let's start :-)

• So Eluilind is my nickname that I use in the worldwide web. This name is translated from Sindarin (Elvish language created by Tolkien) as "starlight melody" or smth like that. That sounds very beautiful and go very well with my soul and emotional state.
• Well, my real name is Maria, I'm from Moscow, Russia (I feel myself now like a little girl on her first English lesson, that's a little bit funny) where I live since my birth.
• I'm a second-year student of Moscow State Automobile & Road Technical University where I study in logistics department. It's not the speciality that I always dreamt of but I should say that I like it. And after the New Year I'm going to start getting my second higher education, because I like learning foreign languages. So when I graduate from university I will be a logist and translator at the same time. I think that will be a good chance to find some interesting job.
• When I was younger I dreamt of becoming an artist, interior decorator, costume designer or smth like that. So I had been joining a drawing study group for a few years. But the circumstances were such that... that now I'm going to become a logist and translator. The betrayal of child's dreams - that happens sometimes with the most of people, I suppose. But that doesn't bother me very much because I still draw from time to time. Sometimes I draw up some outlines of skirts or dresses and than sew them. It's really interesting and relaxing thing :-)
• Considering my hobbies - I like singing. Very-very much. And I think that I do it quite well. But I do it only when I'm alone in the house. So nobody knows about my pretty and clear voice, ha-ha ;-)
• There was a period in my life when I was a goth girl. But there were no cemetries, whole world sorrow and other nonsence so beloved by young and silly girls. I just listened to post-punk and goth-rock music and dressed up in black. Sometimes I look on my old photos and think how could I go out of my house in the long black satin dress. :) But later I understood that it became very boring for me to dress in the same style during a year and that my interests and music preferancies just can't fit in with only one subculture :) So now that's an ancient story and now my wardrobe is filled with clothes of different styles and colours. But sometimes I go out to some gothic parties and concerts in clubs. But it happens very seldom.
• I have to say smth about my favourite music, I suppose. It doesn't matter for me what style of music to listen - it should touch my heart and soul first of all. But I listen mostly to different styles of metal, I also a fan of gothic rock, folk rock. I also like classic and neo-classic. And I like lots of soundtracks to epic fantasy movies - the majestic sound of symphonic orchestra wake up such a strange feeling in my chest. In such moments I want to forget about whole world surrounding me. It's really great.
• Considering books - I wrote about them in my profile. I don't know what would happen with me if all the books in the world dissapeared. I suppose I would dissapear with them :) Especially I like reading sitting in small cosy coffee houses and drinking a cup of hot coffee. ^^
And yes, I'm Tolkien's fan :) I firstly read his books when I was 11. And that was amazing. Years went by and when I was 16 I began to read English and American books in the original. And when I read Tolkien's books again in the original I understood that they'll be in the top of my favourites for whole my life :-)
• I like cooking :-) That's my passion. I'm really good in cooking the chicken (there are lots of dishes that I can make from it). I am fan of japanese cuisine, so I like making different kinds of sushi and I make it not worse than in japanese restaurant. ;-) And I like baking different cakes, pastry, sponge cakes and so on. My friends often say as a joke that they will envy my husband if I'm going to have one. :D
Maybe I will post some of my recipes here.
• I like wearing corsets. Not that tops with laces, but real steel-boned corsets that can seriously tighten your waist :) They are so beatiful, even the simpliest. I have a couple of them - when you wear them you feel yourself as a real princess. ^^ I want to try to sew a corset myself one day but I always have no time for it. Well, maybe I will do it in February when I am on holidays and don't have to attend the university.
• I wish to have long hair since I was five years old. But I'm too inconstant, so when my hair start touching my shoulders I make a new haircut that I want to try. And after a few months I start growing my hair long again. This summer I made a creative hair extension - so I had cut my hair short to bare my ears and the hair on the back of my head were very long ;-) But 3 weeks ago I took off my hair extensions and braided a few thin plaits (you can see it on my photo). So now I'm going to make my hair long again. :D Maybe I will do hair extension again but that will be a few months later. :-)
• Considering the colour of my hair - I should say that I'm invariable about it. So my natural hair colour is dark-blond but I think that chocolate-brown suits me better, so I keep on dyeing them in this colour for almost two years. So I think that I wouldn't change my hair dye in the near future.
• My favourite animals are cats :-) They are clever, graceful, very kind creatures. Also they always do only what they want, and it's unreal to force a cat to do what you want. Just like in Rudyard Kipling's story "The Cat That Walked by Himself". But they understand everything and maybe sometimes more than people can do :-) So it's not difficult to understand that such words can belong only to the person that has a cat. Yes, I have a cat, his name is Tim, he's almost 14 years old. He is very big, entirely black and his weight is about 10 kilo. He's not fat, just very large and well-grown boy :) He reminds me of some wild cat, maybe a little black panther or smth like that ;-)
• I think that would be enough for today because it is unreal to write everything about me here ;-)

Sunday 8 November 2009

The begining

Well, it's time to say "hello" to everybody who's going to read this blog (inspite of the fact that I don't know if anybody is going to do it except my dear friend, [assia.taivas]). Also I think that I should tell you why I have decided to start keeping diary here.
So the idea of keeping another blog came to me a few months ago. As you see, it's not my only blog in the worldwide web. The first one was started keeping two and a half years ago (I write there only in Russian, so all Russian-speaking people are welcome there) and now it has turned into some kind of dump, where I write almost every day and almost about everything that happens in my life. There I write about everyday routine (such things as my attendance at university, my family, meetings with my friends, and so on), about some interesting (and sometimes not) thoughts that flash across my mind, about things that I like, about things that I greatly desire and about things that annoy me very much. It's great when you can write such things somewhere, but when from time to time you read some notes that were posted a year ago or more for example, you think: "Oh my god! Who is that girl who had written this shit?" :-) Of course, that helps me a lot in making some kind of self-examination, helps me to learn by my own mistakes and that is the reason why I am not going to stop writing in that blog.
On the other hand, I need some place in the worldwide web where I can post some balanced and reasonable notes and really interesting things, where I can share some of my interests with other people not being distracted with description of my routine everyday life. And practising English wouldn't be a bad thing, I suppose ;-)
So that is the reason why I'm here. Hello to everybody who read it now... and let this blog started :-)